JGProgressHUD Class Reference

Inherits from UIView
Declared in JGProgressHUD.h


A HUD to indicate progress, success, error, warnings or other notifications to the user.

@c JGProgressHUD respects its @c layoutMargins when positioning the HUD view. Additionally, on iOS 11 if @c insetsLayoutMarginsFromSafeArea is set to @c YES (default) the @c layoutMargins additionally contain the @c safeAreaInsets.

Note: Remember to call every method from the main thread! UIKit => main thread! @attention You may not add JGProgressHUD to a view which has an alpha value < 1.0 or to a view which is a subview of a view with an alpha value < 1.0.

Other Methods

– initWithStyle:

Designated initializer.

- (instancetype)initWithStyle:(JGProgressHUDStyle)style



The appearance style of the HUD.


Designated initializer.

Declared In


+ progressHUDWithStyle:

Convenience initializer.

+ (instancetype)progressHUDWithStyle:(JGProgressHUDStyle)style



The appearance style of the HUD.


Convenience initializer.

Declared In


– initWithAutomaticStyle

Convenience initializer. The HUD will dynamically change its style based on whether dark mode is enabled or not. When dark mode is on, the style will be JGProgressHUDStyleDark, when dark mode is off the style will be JGProgressHUDStyleExtraLight.

- (instancetype)initWithAutomaticStyle


Convenience initializer. The HUD will dynamically change its style based on whether dark mode is enabled or not. When dark mode is on, the style will be JGProgressHUDStyleDark, when dark mode is off the style will be JGProgressHUDStyleExtraLight.

Declared In


+ progressHUDWithAutomaticStyle

Convenience initializer. The HUD will dynamically change its style based on whether dark mode is enabled or not. When dark mode is on, the style will be JGProgressHUDStyleDark, when dark mode is off the style will be JGProgressHUDStyleExtraLight.

+ (instancetype)progressHUDWithAutomaticStyle


Convenience initializer. The HUD will dynamically change its style based on whether dark mode is enabled or not. When dark mode is on, the style will be JGProgressHUDStyleDark, when dark mode is off the style will be JGProgressHUDStyleExtraLight.

Declared In


– showInView:

Shows the HUD animated. You should preferably show the HUD in a UIViewController’s view. The HUD will be repositioned in response to rotation and keyboard show/hide notifications.

- (void)showInView:(UIView *)view



The view to show the HUD in. The frame of the @c view will be used to calculate the position of the HUD.


Shows the HUD animated. You should preferably show the HUD in a UIViewController’s view. The HUD will be repositioned in response to rotation and keyboard show/hide notifications.

Declared In


– showInView:animated:

Shows the HUD. You should preferably show the HUD in a UIViewController’s view. The HUD will be repositioned in response to rotation and keyboard show/hide notifications.

- (void)showInView:(UIView *)view animated:(BOOL)animated



The view to show the HUD in. The frame of the @c view will be used to calculate the position of the HUD.


If the HUD should show with an animation.


Shows the HUD. You should preferably show the HUD in a UIViewController’s view. The HUD will be repositioned in response to rotation and keyboard show/hide notifications.

Declared In


– showInView:animated:afterDelay:

Shows the HUD after a delay. You should preferably show the HUD in a UIViewController’s view. The HUD will be repositioned in response to rotation and keyboard show/hide notifications. You may call @c dismiss to stop the HUD from appearing before the delay has passed.

- (void)showInView:(UIView *__nonnull)view animated:(BOOL)animated afterDelay:(NSTimeInterval)delay



The view to show the HUD in. The frame of the @c view will be used to calculate the position of the HUD.


If the HUD should show with an animation.


The delay until the HUD will be shown.


Shows the HUD after a delay. You should preferably show the HUD in a UIViewController’s view. The HUD will be repositioned in response to rotation and keyboard show/hide notifications. You may call @c dismiss to stop the HUD from appearing before the delay has passed.

Declared In


– dismiss

Dismisses the HUD animated. If the HUD is currently not visible this method does nothing.

- (void)dismiss


Dismisses the HUD animated. If the HUD is currently not visible this method does nothing.

Declared In


– dismissAnimated:

Dismisses the HUD. If the HUD is currently not visible this method does nothing.

- (void)dismissAnimated:(BOOL)animated



If the HUD should dismiss with an animation.


Dismisses the HUD. If the HUD is currently not visible this method does nothing.

Declared In


– dismissAfterDelay:

Dismisses the HUD animated after a delay. If the HUD is currently not visible this method does nothing.

- (void)dismissAfterDelay:(NSTimeInterval)delay



The delay until the HUD will be dismissed.


Dismisses the HUD animated after a delay. If the HUD is currently not visible this method does nothing.

Declared In


– dismissAfterDelay:animated:

Dismisses the HUD after a delay. If the HUD is currently not visible this method does nothing.

- (void)dismissAfterDelay:(NSTimeInterval)delay animated:(BOOL)animated



The delay until the HUD will be dismissed.


If the HUD should dismiss with an animation.


Dismisses the HUD after a delay. If the HUD is currently not visible this method does nothing.

Declared In


– dismissAfterDelay:animated:completion:

Dismisses the HUD after a delay and runs a block upon completion. If the HUD is currently not visible this method does nothing.

- (void)dismissAfterDelay:(NSTimeInterval)delay animated:(BOOL)animated completion:(void ( ^ _Nullable ) ( void ))dismissCompletion



The delay until the HUD will be dismissed.


If the HUD should dismiss with an animation.


The block to execute after the HUD was dismissed.


Dismisses the HUD after a delay and runs a block upon completion. If the HUD is currently not visible this method does nothing.

Declared In


– performAfterDismiss:

Schedules the given block to be executed when this HUD disapears. If the HUD is currently not visible this method does nothing.

- (void)performAfterDismiss:(void ( ^ _Nonnull ) ( void ))dismissCompletion



The block to execute after the HUD was dismissed. Multiple calls to this method cause the different blocks to be executed in FIFO order.


Schedules the given block to be executed when this HUD disapears. If the HUD is currently not visible this method does nothing.

Declared In


– contentView

The content view inside the @c HUDView. If you want to add additional views to the HUD you should add them as subview to the @c contentView.

- (UIView *)contentView


The content view inside the @c HUDView. If you want to add additional views to the HUD you should add them as subview to the @c contentView.

Declared In


– textLabel

The label used to present text on the HUD. Set the @c text or @c attributedText property of this label to change the displayed text. You may not change the label’s @c frame or @c bounds.

- (UILabel *)textLabel


The label used to present text on the HUD. Set the @c text or @c attributedText property of this label to change the displayed text. You may not change the label’s @c frame or @c bounds.

Declared In


– detailTextLabel

The label used to present detail text on the HUD. Set the @c text or @c attributedText property of this label to change the displayed text. You may not change the label’s @c frame or @c bounds.

- (UILabel *)detailTextLabel


The label used to present detail text on the HUD. Set the @c text or @c attributedText property of this label to change the displayed text. You may not change the label’s @c frame or @c bounds.

Declared In


– animation

The animation used for showing and dismissing the HUD. @b Default: JGProgressHUDFadeAnimation.

- (JGProgressHUDAnimation *)animation


The animation used for showing and dismissing the HUD. @b Default: JGProgressHUDFadeAnimation.

Declared In


– setProgress:animated:

Adjusts the current progress shown by the receiver, optionally animating the change.

- (void)setProgress:(float)progress animated:(BOOL)animated



The new progress value.


YES if the change should be animated, NO if the change should happen immediately.


Adjusts the current progress shown by the receiver, optionally animating the change.

The current progress is represented by a floating-point value between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive, where 1.0 indicates the completion of the task. The default value is 0.0. Values less than 0.0 and greater than 1.0 are pinned to those limits.

Declared In


Other Methods


The appearance style of the HUD. @b Default: JGProgressHUDStyleExtraLight.

@property (nonatomic, assign) JGProgressHUDStyle style


The appearance style of the HUD. @b Default: JGProgressHUDStyleExtraLight.

Declared In



The view in which the HUD is presented.

@property (nonatomic, weak, readonly, nullable) UIView *targetView


The view in which the HUD is presented.

Declared In



The delegate of the HUD.

@property (nonatomic, weak, nullable) id<JGProgressHUDDelegate> delegate


The delegate of the HUD.

Declared In



The actual HUD view visible on screen. You may add animations to this view.

@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly, nonnull) UIView *HUDView


The actual HUD view visible on screen. You may add animations to this view.

Declared In



The indicator view. You can assign a custom subclass of @c JGProgressHUDIndicatorView to this property or one of the default indicator views (if you do so, you should assign it before showing the HUD). This value is optional. @b Default: JGProgressHUDIndeterminateIndicatorView.

@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) JGProgressHUDIndicatorView *indicatorView


The indicator view. You can assign a custom subclass of @c JGProgressHUDIndicatorView to this property or one of the default indicator views (if you do so, you should assign it before showing the HUD). This value is optional. @b Default: JGProgressHUDIndeterminateIndicatorView.

Declared In



The shadow cast by the @c HUDView. This value is optional. Setting this to @c nil means no shadow is cast by the HUD. @b Default: nil.

@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) JGProgressHUDShadow *shadow


The shadow cast by the @c HUDView. This value is optional. Setting this to @c nil means no shadow is cast by the HUD. @b Default: nil.

Declared In



The position of the HUD inside the hosting view’s frame, or inside the specified frame. @b Default: JGProgressHUDPositionCenter

@property (nonatomic, assign) JGProgressHUDPosition position


The position of the HUD inside the hosting view’s frame, or inside the specified frame. @b Default: JGProgressHUDPositionCenter

Declared In



Interaction type of the HUD. Determines whether touches should be let through to the views behind the HUD.

@property (nonatomic, assign) JGProgressHUDInteractionType interactionType


Interaction type of the HUD. Determines whether touches should be let through to the views behind the HUD.

See Also

Declared In



Parallax mode for the HUD. This setting determines whether the HUD should have a parallax (@c UIDeviceMotion) effect. This effect is controlled by device motion on iOS and remote touchpad panning gestures on tvOS.

@property (nonatomic, assign) JGProgressHUDParallaxMode parallaxMode


Parallax mode for the HUD. This setting determines whether the HUD should have a parallax (@c UIDeviceMotion) effect. This effect is controlled by device motion on iOS and remote touchpad panning gestures on tvOS.

See Also

Declared In



When this property is set to @c YES the HUD will try to become focused, which prevents interactions with the @c targetView. If set to @c NO the HUD will not become focused and interactions with @c targetView remain possible. Default: @c YES.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL wantsFocus


When this property is set to @c YES the HUD will try to become focused, which prevents interactions with the @c targetView. If set to @c NO the HUD will not become focused and interactions with @c targetView remain possible. Default: @c YES.

Declared In



If the HUD should always have the same width and height. @b Default: NO.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL square


If the HUD should always have the same width and height. @b Default: NO.

Declared In



Internally @c JGProgressHUD uses an @c UIVisualEffectView with a @c UIBlurEffect. A second @c UIVisualEffectView can be added on top of that with a @c UIVibrancyEffect which amplifies and adjusts the color of content layered behind the view, allowing content placed inside the contentView to become more vivid. This flag sets whether the @c UIVibrancyEffect should be used. Using the vibrancy effect can sometimes, depending on the contents of the display, result in a weird look (especially on iOS < 9.3). @b Default: NO.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL vibrancyEnabled


Internally @c JGProgressHUD uses an @c UIVisualEffectView with a @c UIBlurEffect. A second @c UIVisualEffectView can be added on top of that with a @c UIVibrancyEffect which amplifies and adjusts the color of content layered behind the view, allowing content placed inside the contentView to become more vivid. This flag sets whether the @c UIVibrancyEffect should be used. Using the vibrancy effect can sometimes, depending on the contents of the display, result in a weird look (especially on iOS < 9.3). @b Default: NO.

Declared In



The radius used for rounding the four corners of the HUD view. @b Default: 10.0.

@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat cornerRadius


The radius used for rounding the four corners of the HUD view. @b Default: 10.0.

Declared In



Insets the contents of the HUD. @b Default: (20, 20, 20, 20).

@property (nonatomic, assign) UIEdgeInsets contentInsets


Insets the contents of the HUD. @b Default: (20, 20, 20, 20).

Declared In



Whether the HUD is visible on screen.

@property (nonatomic, assign, readonly, getter=isVisible) BOOL visible

Return Value

Whether the HUD is visible on screen.

Declared In



The progress to display using the @c progressIndicatorView. A change of this property is not animated. Use the @c setProgress:animated: method for an animated progress change. @b Default: 0.0.

@property (nonatomic, assign) float progress


The progress to display using the @c progressIndicatorView. A change of this property is not animated. Use the @c setProgress:animated: method for an animated progress change. @b Default: 0.0.

Declared In



Specifies a minimum time that the HUD will be on-screen. Useful to prevent the HUD from flashing quickly on the screen when indeterminate tasks complete more quickly than expected. @b Default: 0.0.

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval minimumDisplayTime


Specifies a minimum time that the HUD will be on-screen. Useful to prevent the HUD from flashing quickly on the screen when indeterminate tasks complete more quickly than expected. @b Default: 0.0.

Declared In



Determines whether Voice Over announcements should be made upon displaying the HUD (if Voice Over is active). @b Default: YES

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL voiceOverEnabled


Determines whether Voice Over announcements should be made upon displaying the HUD (if Voice Over is active). @b Default: YES

Declared In



A block to be invoked when the HUD view is tapped.

@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) void ( ^ ) ( JGProgressHUD *__nonnull HUD ) tapOnHUDViewBlock


A block to be invoked when the HUD view is tapped.

Note: The interaction type of the HUD must be @c JGProgressHUDInteractionTypeBlockTouchesOnHUDView or @c JGProgressHUDInteractionTypeBlockAllTouches, otherwise this block won’t be fired.

Declared In



A block to be invoked when the area outside of the HUD view is tapped.

@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) void ( ^ ) ( JGProgressHUD *__nonnull HUD ) tapOutsideBlock


A block to be invoked when the area outside of the HUD view is tapped.

Note: The interaction type of the HUD must be @c JGProgressHUDInteractionTypeBlockAllTouches, otherwise this block won’t be fired.

Declared In


Extension Methods


Setting this to @c YES makes the text and indicator views bigger. @b Default: NO.

@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL thick


Setting this to @c YES makes the text and indicator views bigger. @b Default: NO.

Declared In


HUDManagement Methods

+ allProgressHUDsInView:

The view to return all visible progress HUDs for.

+ (NSArray *)allProgressHUDsInView:(UIView *)view



The view to return all visible progress HUDs for.

Return Value

All visible progress HUDs in the view.

Declared In


+ allProgressHUDsInViewHierarchy:

The view to return all visible progress HUDs for.

+ (NSArray *)allProgressHUDsInViewHierarchy:(UIView *)view



The view to return all visible progress HUDs for.

Return Value

All visible progress HUDs in the view and its subviews.

Declared In
