JGProgressHUDIndeterminateIndicatorView Class Reference

Inherits from JGProgressHUDIndicatorView : UIView
Declared in JGProgressHUDIndeterminateIndicatorView.h


An indeterminate progress indicator showing a @c UIActivityIndicatorView.

– setUpForHUDStyle:vibrancyEnabled:

Use this method to set up the indicator view to fit the HUD style and vibrancy setting. This method is called by @c JGProgressHUD when the indicator view is added to the HUD and when the HUD’s @c vibrancyEnabled property changes. This method may be called multiple times with different values. The default implementation does nothing.

- (void)setUpForHUDStyle:(JGProgressHUDStyle)style vibrancyEnabled:(BOOL)vibrancyEnabled


Use this method to set up the indicator view to fit the HUD style and vibrancy setting. This method is called by @c JGProgressHUD when the indicator view is added to the HUD and when the HUD’s @c vibrancyEnabled property changes. This method may be called multiple times with different values. The default implementation does nothing.

Declared In


– setColor:

Set the color of the activity indicator view.

- (void)setColor:(UIColor *)color



The color to apply to the activity indicator view.


Set the color of the activity indicator view.

Declared In


– updateAccessibility

Override to set custom accessibility properties. This method gets called once when initializing the view and after calling @c setNeedsAccessibilityUpdate.

- (void)updateAccessibility


Override to set custom accessibility properties. This method gets called once when initializing the view and after calling @c setNeedsAccessibilityUpdate.

Declared In
